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FEATURED STORY Doha Metro: Can it work?

Amid concerns, including Qatar’s hot climate, a high percentage of private cars per household and a legacy of urban environment not conducive to an intra-city rail network, questions have been raised about the efficacy of the Doha Metro project. In an exclusive interview with The Edge, Qatar Rail Company’s (Qatar Rail) managing director and chairman of the executive committee, Engineer Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Turki Al Subaie, shares the company’s strategies to ensure successful delivery and effectiveness of the Doha more ›

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A new deal between Qatar and Kazakhstan could mean that the former becomes the top solar energy power producer in the region. (Image Reuters/Arabian Eye).

Qatar at the forefront of the MENA solar energy complex

by  — 26 October 2014

Following the unveiling in June by Qatar Solar Energy (QSE) – a private initiative supported by the Qatar government – of a new, vertically-integrated solar panel manufacturing and research facility located in Doha’s New Industrial Area, the firm has signed a landmark agreement with Kazakhstan-based energy company, Kazatomprom, which will supply QSE with raw materials used in the production of solar panels. read more ›

Massive construction plans in Doha have led to aggressive competition, a factor that has also emerged as the most challenging aspect of Qatar’s construction sector, according to Dun & Bradstreet’s report Business Optimism Index. (Image Corbis)

Competition emerges as the biggest challenge in Qatar’s construction industry

by  — 23 September 2014

The Q2 2014 report on levels of business optimism in various sectors of Qatar shows construction as the most promising non-hydrocarbon industry, but with opportunities also come challenges. read more ›

A Qatargas LNG carrier transfers the first load of LNG to China recently, marking the beginning of what many hope will be a growing relationship between the Chinese and Qataris. (Image Qatargas).

Qatargas makes first LNG delivery to China’s Hainan terminal

by  — 23 September 2014

Given that Qatar is among just 30 countries currently able to conduct cross-border payments. Since cryptocurrency transactions are ideal for cross-border payments, many people are interested in adopting cryptocurrency. In order to encourage it, there are many platforms that let users buy and sell crypto automatically. If you’re looking for such a platform, visit the bitcoin prime website. It is a trading robot that uses sophisticated AI algorithms to trade automatically on your behalf... read more ›

As costs increase and revenue from traditional services such as voice and SMS decrease over time in developed markets, managing hardware that handles IP-networks will help telcos such as Vodafone Qatar which recently launched its 4G LTE network, stay competitive and profitable.

How virtualisation is transforming mobile operators

by  — 14 September 2014

Both telecom operators in the country, Oooredoo and Vodafone Qatar, have introduced 4G LTE capabilities to their networks. Nathan Pearce, product manager for Europe Middle East and Asia at F5 Networks, looks at how mobile operators are changing IT structures to meet future demands and remain profitable. read more ›

The new e-participation policy will allow citizens and residents in Qatar to voice their opinions on policy in a number of areas, specifically in issues that directly impact the general public, communities or businesses in Qatar as service recipients. (Image Corbis)

New policy will require ministries to involve public in decision making

by  — 14 September 2014

The Ministry of Information and Communications Technology (MICT) recently announced a public consultation on a draft of an e-participation policy, one which would increase citizen access to information from ministries and provide them with the ability to participate in certain areas of decision-making. read more ›

The Edge on CNN International


8-9 Sep Future Interiors Qatar

Sharq Village and Spa

15-17 Sep Global Refining Technology Forum

Grand Hyatt Doha

14-17 Sep Marine Coastal Engineering Summit

Intercontinental Doha

17-18 Sep Waste Management and Recycling Summit

Intercontinental Doha

21-23 Sep ITS & Road Safety Qatar Forum

The Ritz Carlton Doha

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